; CAMPOS, Natana Silva.
This study aimed to analyze the challenges which permeate within departments that
prevent or preclude the construction and maintenance of a network of services in
mental health. This research is qualitative, bibliographic nature and its theoretical and
methodological basis dialectical and historical materialism. The results were also
obtained through the internship experience, the Psychosocial Care Center Walter
Sarmento de Sá - Sousa / PB. With this research sought to contribute to a critical
analysis about the weakness in the support network to users, which ultimately did not
materialize the principle of comprehensiveness provided by the SUS. Since
psychosocial care center should contribute significantly in achieving the rights of
those who use psychoactive substances, incorporating the actions mental health
principles and guarantees of human rights. Thus the strengthening of the full users of
alcohol and drug care is needed, since there is a mismatch between the health,
welfare, culture, among other services, thus hindering the formation of a network of
assistance to users.