SILVA, C. L.;; SILVA, Carla Lucena da.
Prostitution is an activity that offers sexual services, being one of the oldest
activities in the world, being marked by a range of complex, stigmas and
prejudices, with traces of an arising society of patriarchy that women born to be
house wives, mothers , wives and submissive to men, and those who did not
follow this script were not well regarded in society. For women prostitutes these
are seen as desvirtuantes of religious morality and women's submission culture to
procreate and be the home of the private sector. The work was done by literature
and after a field survey conducted in the city of Paulista - Paraiba in 2015. It was
used as a methodology texts lecture on the history of prostitution, construction of
stigma by controlling women's sexuality and finally, prostitution in Brazil and
Paraíba, with focus on bills and in NGOs and movements that work for the benefit
of those professionals as well as interviews, through which we seek relevant
information to local representations of prostitution. It is evident that these women
suffer from the prejudices of society and that many are facing difficulties, that
prostitution is the source of livelihood for them and their families, but the
moralizing point of view of society and religion, is mentioned by many as a bypass