SILVA, M. S.; SILVA, Mônica Sarmento.
This work is the result of research in Educational Adolescent Centre (CEA). After visits to
Socio-Educational Services Unit, we observe how is the process of socio-educational
internment seeking the rehabilitation of adolescents in conflict with the law. Thus, we
emphasize how education conducted through schooling, can contribute to the rehabilitation of adolescents. Thus, the overall objective of the research was to analyze the weaknesses and the
possibilities of education applied to adolescents in conflict with the law of Educational Center
Adolescent "Raimundo Benevides Gadelha Dock" (CEA - Sousa / PB). For this debate on the
issue of education as a way of re-socialization of the adolescent who commits an infraction,
analyzing how the right to education is being promoted in the institution, thus evaluating if
the public policy directed to adolescents in conflict with the law is actually being effective.
The method used to develop the research was the dialectical historical materialism, which
allowed us to reflect on the reality of the institution, and analyze data with a critical eye. We
conduct research in a qualitative perspective, which enabled us to observe and soak in the
reality studied, analyzing and deciphering the phenomena. For the production of data,
methodological route was through the bibliographical and documentary research, and the use
of audio-visual material and field research. In the field research, we applied questionnaires
with objective and subjective questions, to know the opinion of the subjects who know the
reality of education in the EAA. Therefore, the questionnaire was applied with 8 teens and 3
teachers. The study allowed us to see how the socio hospitalization measure is weakened in
the CEA. We realized then that the lack of investment hinders the effectiveness of the child
protection policy and the teenager. Education is a strong ally in the rehabilitation process,
however, the limits found in the institution prevent it to be developed effectively.