SÁ, R. M.; SÁ, Ramon Melo de.
This study entitled "Challenges and possibilities of the social worker in NASF: an
interdisciplinary study" aims to discuss the role of social work in NASF, from the
perspective of interdisciplinary, showing the main demands, confrontations and
forward solutions to the difficulties presented by the community and the importance
that professionals Staff Health Strategy have the share of issues that involve not only
the users who use the services, but also the interaction between them, as the NASF
develops in the support it gives from the user interface and service, or by supporting
the Family Health Strategy as a way to articulate knowledge to find a more strategic
and solid way to the user in question. As well as we will discuss health policy making
a historical. This is an exploratory, bibliographical research was to collect instruments
of bibliographic data in the area under discussion, field diary and observation in the
course of our experience in the Supervised Internship I and II. We will also discuss
the difficulty that the ESF has to understand the role of NASF, the dilemmas faced by
the professional social work that sometimes does not have its role understood or
recognized by the team in which it operates.