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Browsing Curso de Bacharelado em Engenharia Elétrica - CEEI - Monografias by Title

Browsing Curso de Bacharelado em Engenharia Elétrica - CEEI - Monografias by Title

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  • ALEXANDRE, M. L. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5165567453367674; ALEXANDRE, Maura Lúcia Rodríguez. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020)
    In this work is presented a chronology of how the Energy Management discipline has been developed in the Electric Engineering Undergraduate Course at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), since its implementation, ...
  • ROCHA, J. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1257948185579894; ROCHA, Jerônimo Silva. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2006-03)
  • MACIEL JÚNIOR, E. M.; MACIEL JÚNIOR, Elias Macêdo. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2012-10)
    This work consisted in using the technologies of wireless networks and microcontrollers, aiming to build a physical interface and integrate it into a virtual simulator currently under development at the Laboratory of ...
  • QUEIROZ NETO, A. A; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2277494609703334; QUEIROZ NETO, Abdias Aires de. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020-12)
    In this project, the CVA6 RISC-V architecture was adapted to the RISCV Bitmanip extension. A new functional unit was designed based on the reference modules provided by the RISC-V Bitmanip project and inserted in the ...
  • BORBUREMA NETO, M. M.; BORBUREMA NETO, Martins Marques. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2014-10-09)
  • ZUMBA, F. D. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8897318678075003; ZUMBA, Francisco Daniel da Silva. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2022-08-30)
    Over the years, electric energy has become increasingly important for the full functioning and development of society. In Brazil, there is an installed generation capacity of 175,878 MW, with the residential sector accounting ...
  • MAURÍCIO, C. F. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7404754165109931; MAURÍCIO, Clarisse Freire Barboza. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2021)
    The importance of preparing the electrical project of a building is visible, as well as the presence of a qualified professional to carry out the electrical installation according to what was projected. In order to carry ...
  • ARAÚJO, H. K. L.; ARAÚJO, Helda Karmen de Lacerda. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2005-11)
  • QUINTANS, A. A. O.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0051368773535261; QUINTANS, Aquiles Alves Oliveira. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2019)
    This document intends to address the main issues surrounding the modernization of the electricity market in Brazil. Like the Brazilian Electric Sector, the commercialization environments have been reformulated in recent ...
  • CRUZ, F. F.; CRUZ, Felipe Fragoso da. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2014-11)
  • CRUZ NETO, H. C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7321676193004881; CRUZ NETO, Hermano Cavalcanti da. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2020)
    As a way to increase the technical skills of enthusiasts in electronic and automation, it is necessary, on many occasions, the use of process plants in order to perform practical simulations. Among the various process ...
  • OLIVEIRA NETO, A. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3384644050412101; OLIVEIRA NETO, Antonio Barbosa de. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2013-10)
  • ALVES, L. N. T.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4161684266851941; ALVES, Lidja Nayara Tavares. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2016-06)
  • LINS JÚNIOR, P. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2720405345746056; LINS JÚNIOR, Paulo Ribeiro. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2006-08-18)
  • ROMÃO, L. B. R. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1522778549717362; ROMÃO, Lício Bruno Ribeiro Rodrigues. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2014-06)
    This work aims to introduce two algorithms for parameters identification, such as Least- Squares Algorithms and Projection Algorithm, studying both convergence conditions and establishing a well-based mathematical framework ...
  • CARVALHO, H. E. Q.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0660638641059604; CARVALHO, Hamilton Emmanuel Querino de. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2018)
    Currently, there is a continuous demand to design fast dynamic response, compact, high power density, high efficiency and high switching frequency converters at a reasonable price for many portable devices, such as ...
  • OLIVEIRA, B. N. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4574485408391949; OLIVEIRA, Bárbara Nicoly Menezes de. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2019-12-13)
    This work deals with an automation process in the positioning of photonic components, based on image recognition, in an industrial positioning machine. The Pick & Place station was the target system of the application, ...
  • DANTAS, A. W. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4001120515115857; DANTAS, Arthur Williams Ramos. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011-11)
    New electric sector regulations imposed by the National Agency of Electric EnergyANEEL, has requested a utilities' efficiency and quality both in terms of continuity as the compliance of the energy supplied. The quality, ...
  • CARVALHO, H. L.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9121439792575093; CARVALHO, Henry de Lima. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2018-12)
    Functional Verification is a major stage in dedicated digital integrated circuits design, also known as IP-Core, avoiding implementation mistakes and flaws to reach the physical design and the final client as well, ...
  • SILVA, M. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0542994083705833; SILVA, Marcelo Meneses da. (BrasilCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2019-11)
    It is presented on this study the development of a virtual environment done with the free version of the Construct 2 platform, which was used to assist in teaching and learning about electric machines capacity charts. ...

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