FARIAS, D. S. C. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0150011545132587; FARIAS, Débora Samara Cruz Rocha.
The Caatinga biome has the particularity of being extremely strong and
adapted to the characteristics of the climate, but it is highly vulnerable to human
actions, and desertifying depleting the environment, moving increasingly to remain
worthy of the peasants. This paper aims to raise issues of availability and demand for
water for people and animals in Boa Vista, recognizing the particular classes of land use
and site indicating the best works of water abstraction, so that they can respond more
sustainability, small producers and reduce losses due to evaporation, high runoff, and
shallow soils rich in salts and low rainfall. The ability to provide water through water
tanks, wells, cisterns and closed cisternoes is of fundamental importance in local
sustainable development, which is recorded high evaporation rate, since it encouraged
the gradual construction, according to those existing site, based on calculating the
rainfall site, the roofs of residences, lajedos property and sidewalks to be built, so you
can get better quality water, near the dwellings.