SUDÉRIO, V. M.;; SUDÉRIO, Vilma Maria.
The lack of information about the processing parameters in the roll pressing process with ceramic paste and its effect on the properties of the laminated ceramic plates is the motivation of this research. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the processing parameters in the mechanical and physical properties of the ceramic plates made by roll pressing (laminating) ceramic processing. Also it was studied the comparison between the properties of the ceramic plate made by laminating with ones from conventional processing, such as, pressing and extrusion. It was used an industrial ceramic paste fit to produce ceramic tile by wet process. The humidity of the paste was adjusted to present appropriate consistence to the laminating and extrusion processes. It was done the physical and mineralogical characterization of the ceramic paste. Also, it was done the physical and mechanical! properties of the ceramic plates after dry and firing as a function of the following parameters: humidity content, mixture time, mixture velocity, laminating velocity, rolls diameter and opening between the rolls. In addition, it was studied the effect of the organic additive in the physical and mechanical properties of the laminating ceramic
plates and the influence of the pre-extrusion followed by laminating in the properties
of the ceramic plates. The results showed that the roll pressing (laminating) is a
promise technique to produce ceramic plates with thin thickness and the control of
the processing parameters is necessary to obtain a ceramic plate with good quality.