CARVALHO, L. H. H.;; CARVALHO, Luis Henrique Hecker de.
This work aims the analysis of channel allocation in flexible optical networks,
defining optimized allocation plans for transmission trough the comparative analysis of
different scenarios. Flexible optical networks is a topic of current intense research
activity, the traffic in these networks consists of different modulation formats and
transmission rates, an inevitable scenario in the current and future optical information
transmission systems. Different effects are responsible for signal degradation in flexible
networks, such as the interference between neighboring channels (crosstalk), the
passband narrowing effect due to the cascading of optical filters in the system and the
optical signaltonoise
ratio (OSNR) degradation. After simulations, the numerical
results obtained were analyzed taking into account the degrading effects to the system.
Finally, the optimal allocation methods which do not penalize the system and present
the best use of the available optical spectrum are determined. The evaluated scenarios in
this work used two types of modulation formats, the OOK (OnOff
Keying) and the DPQPSK
(Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying), with transmission rates of 10
and 100 Gb/s, respectively. The 10 Gb/s OOK channels are still commonly used in
current optical transmission systems, while the DPQPSK
is a newer modulation format
standardized by OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) for optical transmission at 100