The intent of this dissertation is to be informed about the images concerning the aged
agriculturist that are formed in the field of public policies. In order to apprehend these images, the work have as main focus the process of concession of the old age pension whích goes through the social welfare and the union of rural workers in the city of Lagoa Seca. We focus the images as a category of analysis, and to situate the subject of the images of the aged agriculturist, we favored the discussion about modernity, because of the fact that high intensity modernization have been invading ali the áreas of social life, mcluding the area of rights and public policy. It is evidenced that the web of relations shapes the policy of social welfare, and signifies, legitimates and elaborates different images of the old aged in general and of the aged agriculturist in particular. These new images, created in the context of modernity intensify and implant changes within the rationality, which penetrates the concession of social welfare benefits to the old aged, at the moment to receive the old age pension. Therefore, the images were analyzed, taking into consideration the global and modern social processes, which are translated locally, making possible to visualize traces and defining characteristics of the old aged agriculturist in the area studied, trying to show the diversity of interpretations and conflicts that are manifested in the process of concession of the benefits. As a methodological resource, we privileged the oral accounts and the manifestations of how the symbolic and material element of the benefits, changes the images of the subjects, in the sense of attribute meanings and (re)signify the images of the old aged. The data were analyzed with the help of the concepts about social imaginary, modernity and public policy. We noticed that the INSS, as an institution to concede benefits elaborates images of the old aged agriculturist by the exclusive working activity at the land, by the wasted physical aspect, with the reference of the historical caricature of the "Jeca Tatu" (name and symbol of the simple Brazilian countryman), and it doesn't concerns the real identity of the agriculturist, that presents today in the modern world. As for the union, as an agency that represents the agriculturist and, therefore, mediates the process of retirement, legitimates these images. For us, to approach the images of the old aged agriculturist, it aílowed to conclude that these images create a field of conflicts that concerns who is the old aged agriculturist for the social welfare public policy in a modern scenario.