MELO. E. O.; MELO, Eulanja Oliveira de.
This text to try show us the importance of buil ding a
fanning industry that can be able all needs regurred by the
national and international. The planning and purpose of this rind
of industry will take the most simple may.
Otheis aspecto to be considered, is development of regron
where the tanning industry will be implant. If it offering prime
material, people to work, good water, source of energy,
transport, etc and if also display of aduance tecnology.
Finaly, is necessary that the day by day of this industry
don't hurt inany way the nature, with problem can be caused by
waters pollutron, or even for tho use toxic chemical product. To
avord almost all problems the tannery must was a station of
treatment, together to follwing the process used by that company.