LUNA, F. M.; LUNA, Franklin Martins de.
In the face of the spread of the Internet, technology is spreading by creating alternatives for society, today this spread has created numerous possibilities to carry out complex tasks quickly and safely as the case of digital mobile payments. Mobile payment is used to typify the act of using smartphones to make bank payments online. In this context, the evolution of mobile technology has led to a new behavioural perception of consumers regarding its use and adoption. This research aims to analyze consumer perception regarding the use and adoption of digital mobile payment methods in light of the Theory of Diffusion of Innovation. To this end, the research uses a quantitative approach, applying a survey to collect data later analyzed with statistical techniques and structural equations with support from Software R version 4.0. As a result, it was found that the intention and attitude to use and adopt an innovation such as mobile payment is closely linked to the consumer's perception of its advantages and disadvantage.