PEREIRA, R.;; PEREIRA, Rosymere.
The educational policies of the last decades, such as the National Education Plan - PNE, the
changes in the BNCC - Common National Curriculum Base and the High School Reform have contributed to transformations that increasingly influence the Brazilian educational domain. The consolidation and expansion of Integral Citizen Schools in Brazil is one of the results of these changes, which contribute substantially to the strengthening of the market logic in educational management. Youth Protagonism, as a methodology and, together with the curricular component Project of Life, constitute central axes in the referred School model. The objective of this research was to understand the concept of Youth Protagonism for the young people of an integral and Technical Citizen School - ECITE, as well as to analyze the approach of this category by the referred school model. Four semi-structured interviews were conducted and sixteen questionnaires were applied to a Citizen Comprehensive and Technical School - ECITE, in 2019, located in the city of João Pessoa / PB. For analysis and interpretation of the collected data, we used the qualitative approach of social research (MINAYO, 2016) and content analysis, based on Bardin (1979) and Minayo (2016). Our work deals with categories, conceptions and concepts such as Youth, Youth Protagonism, Education and Integral Citizen School. We begin by basing the assumption of thinking the category Youth as a social construction, using the author BOURDIEU, 1983 as a theoretical contribution, as well as trying to understand these social subjects from their pluralities and experienced realities, as part of a broader process, in DAYRELL, 2003. We consider that the 'new' educational proposals replace the concept of basic human training with the notion of individual skills for the market, for this reason, we referral based is on FRIGOTTO; CIAVATTA, 2014. It was verfied that educational institutions inserted in this context tend to guide manner of actions within this same context: that is, the educational model analyzed is also a by-product of these envisaged changes and the Pedagogy of Competences, a methodology present in its formative pillar, supports this statement. It was observed that the young people's understanding of Youth Protagonism is related to the neoliberal conception present in the documents and objectives of the Escola Cidadã Integral. In this sense, it is necessary to reinterpret Youth Protagonism from a more grassroot approach according to the origin of the term and to contextualize it politically, economically and culturally, beyond the school premises.