SANTOS, E. F.;; SANTOS, Eliana Ferreira dos.
This dissertation presents a discussion about the space and the treatment offered to the oral
and written genres in the classroom. It is necessary to work more focused on the study of
textual genres for elementary school students, because the students often do not have access to
the uses of the mother tongue as a place of interaction, and textual genres are mediators of the
construction and constitution Language and subject. The relations between speech and writing
in gender teaching should act as a means of acquiring social practices and integrating the
mother tongue. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to reflect on the importance
of orality and writing of the mother tongue using the textual genre play, with a view to
confirming this genre as a fertile ground for the work with the Retextualization in the
classroom and as a medium that makes possible the work in the classroom with the Literature.
The methodology is descriptive, qualitative and ethnographic based, with the theoretical
contribution: Marcuschi (2003), who theorizes about the process of Retextualization, about
the speech and writing in the uses of the mother tongue; The conceptions of literacy presented
by Kleiman (1997); The relationship between orality and literacy according to Street (1997,
1984, 2001); Rojo (2004, 2011) addresses literacy and orality; Schneuwly and Dolz (1995,
2004, 2011) work with oral and written genres; The National Curriculum Parameters of
Portuguese Language (1997, 1998) encourage the use of orality and writing in the classroom;
among others. The results pointed to the fact that there is still a resistance in the school to
work with orality and writing that should be minimized with the works of nature that we
present here, which helped to produce an intervention proposal, a Pedagogical Notebook,
which brings integration activities and implies the continuation of oral and written language
with the objective of improving the teaching-learning process of oral and writing in the