LOCK, A. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7623349795638505; LOCK, Alberto Soto.
Present work proposes some applications of One Cycle Control, OCC, to Power Quality, e.g. Three
Phase Controlled Rectifiers as well as Motor Actioning, e.g. Three Phase Induction Motor Drives,
enriching OCC strategy alternatives.
On Power Quality, it is proposed an OCC Current Control utilizing a Lead Lag compensator and
input resistance control based on dc link voltage. This provokes that modulating waves are no longer
quasi dc waves but quasi sinusoidal waves. As the mathematical analysis shows, this technique is
equivalent to ZACE (Zero Average Current Error) control. On this sense, dynamic response of OCC
Rectifier is improved. Moreover, it is also proposed a Sensorless-Voltage Clamping Control Strategy
utilizing Hybrid PWM, HPWM. As this Clamping strategy is also based on the aforementioned Lead
Lag compensator and input resistance control, classical Discontinuous PWM techniques can be used
by means of HPWM. As an application of the proposed technique, Malesani Hysteresis Current-
Control utilizing phases switching clamping is emulated.
On Motor Action, a Stator Field Oriented Control, SFOC, based on OCC technique is proposed.
On this sense, OCC plays a simplifying role as a controller, which normally is implemented with
Space Vector PWM, SVM. Moreover, an additional control strategy is proposed, to eliminate the
coupling effect between dq components of voltage control, based on stator equation of the induction
On the other hand, a Direct Torque Control, DTC, has been proposed also with OCC technique. A
rapid response, as well as a relative minimum ripple torque is achieved using OCC technique.
Mathematical and physical analysis as well as Simulation and DSP based Experimental Results
validate the proposed techniques.