DUARTE, I. R. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6735389044822870; DUARTE, Ingrid Rafaella Ferreira.
Much has been discussed about violence and how it has significantly affected people’s lives. That mode, it is the duty of governmental spheres to seek appropriate ways to reduce crime in society. Thus, a matter of paramount importance is public security, which aims to reduce the high and increasing crime rates existing in a given location through different strategies, with the help of tools that facilitate the formulation of these strategies.
In this sense, this Course Completion Work proposes a multicriteria model for decision support, which uses ELECTRE - TRI for the classification of municipalities regarding crime, considering social and demographic factors and subsequently proposes appropriate public policies for places with different levels of criminality. The model was applied in the municipalities of the State of Paraíba and it was found that most of these have a high propensity for the occurrence of crimes. Then, actions to reduce such rates were recommended, giving priority to cities in critical situations. From this, the main advantages of using the system can be noted: structured procedure for solving the problem, prioritizing places with a greater propensity to criminality in terms of the implementation of public policies and the analysis of the state's situation when crimes occur.