ALVES, F. K. M. L.;; ALVES, Fernanda Karoline Martins Lira.
This paper analyzed the forms of dwelling for the poor in the city of North-Parahyba PB. in
the period between 1910 and 1930, to understand how interventions are made within the city, especially of the dwelling, and which the implications what the urbane reforms carried out in this period, had the organization of the city including in the form of live and life it. I have in mind that the process of urbanization / modernization over which it passed the city looked to provide not only the material lacks, endowing it with services and urbane equipments of collective use, such as electric energy, water supply and sanitation, paving and enlargement of the avenues, as well as construction of squares and public gardens. But also it was aiming to modify the habits of his residents from standardization of the uses public and private spaces, in order to maintain the order established by the authorities together with the elites, which involved by the ideais of "progress" and "civilization" looked to develop new forms of habitable state as well as sociability according to new bourgeois standards. So that, we attract attention for the way of popular life, with their daily practices, their forms of entertainment, which largely represented a new conception of the modernization project idealized by the elites.