SILVA, F. A. R.;; SILVA, Fátima Aparecida Ribeiro da.
This research has the objective of analyzing the convergent and divergent aspects of continuing education offered by the Gestar Project and the teacher's practice in reading skills mediation in two state schools in Juazeiro - BA. From the formation of the Gestar Project, which takes place in the state network of Bahia education, two Portuguese teachers, who participated in the formation of the mentioned Project, were interviewed. Our goal, therefore, was to identify the design of reading used by the teacher in reading events. In addition, their classes were also observed to thereby we could review the teacher’s methodological procedures in work situations with reading, reaching with this, the second specific objective outlined for this research. Subsequently, we described teaching practice with the reading work in the classroom, we compared this practice with the guidelines given by Gestar Project on working with reading in class in an attempt to see the similarities and differences between the training offered by Gestar and the teaching practice. As a basis for discussion, we have considered in: on one side, Kleiman, Silva, Solé, in the context of reading, without disregarding other authors, like Kramer, Dubois and Alencar; the other, by a vision of continuing education in Pimenta, Alarcão and Candau. We also considered the PCNs and other authors who agree with the idea of continuing education that values research as a teaching strategy and critical reflection of teaching practice. These authors were selected, given that they are in row with the ideological and epistemological basis of Gestar Project that in a didactic and overview, gets support in Zabala and Delors. The research follows a qualitative methodology of descriptive and analytical character, it aims to describe and interpret the information gathered. There were used as instruments for the gathering of information: an interview and a sheet that suited to systematize the observation of classes. The results of the data collection showed that teachers consider legitimate the Project guidelines, trying to put them into practice. However, at the expense of socio-economic reality of schools and the organization itself time/knowledge of the teacher are not consolidated in its entirety. Thus, these results indicate the need to consider a proposal for intervention that consider the role of mediation as a decisive factor in the development of reading competence.