LEAL, K. R. A.; LEAL, Kamilla Rafhaella de Andrade.
Quality service management allied to the client‟s perception has a positive influence on
company‟s development, because the level of satisfaction and the client‟s expectations allows
the company to discover its strengths and weaknesses in order to improve its placement in the
market. In view of this, the study‟s objective is to analyze the percepction of guests regarding
the quality of services based on L , in the city of Campina Grande/PB. For
this, an descriptive research was conducted subdivided into three stages. It started with a
bibliographic and documentary exploratory research, later a collection of comments from
three hotels in the city in the social network of tourism, Booking, and finally, data collection
was done with the use of netnography. The data was collected between September 2019 and
February 2020, with a sample of 294 online comments. The results showed that the hotels
analyzed were satisfactory, however the management needs to reinforce the security and
entertainment services.