LINS, R. M.;; LINS, Rogenia Maciel.
This scientific work aims to present some reflections on the reading and writing
processes with a focus on textual production carried out in the classroom, taking into
consideration the work with genres as didactic possibility of developing such skills in
students elementary School. A brief explanation of the theoretical concepts that
involve text production skills in the classroom. It presents several reflections on the
concepts of reading, writing, text, literacy, genres and didactic sequences under the
interactionist perspective and the notion of reading as a process of understanding
and interactive activity of production of meaning, which takes place on the basis of
linguistic elements in the textual surface. Thus, we propose reflections on the textual
production work, the aspects of reading and writing, as a guiding principle of the
Portuguese language classes. In the end, we try to point out some didactic
possibilities of textual production approach in the classroom, from the work with
didactic sequence of instructional text 'recipe' so as to give focus to those genres that
are part of the context in which students are entered . Such reflections proposals is to
assist the teacher's task in relation to the teaching of text production at school, taking
as guiding bias work with didactic sequences with instructional texts.