ARAÚJO, L. M. C.;; ARAÚJO, Laryssa Mirelly Carvalho de.
Photonics involves the technology of signal processing, transmission and detection where
the signal is carried by photons. A high level of integration is desirable to low the costs
in photonic chips fabrication. However, only a few hundreds of different components are
integrated in a single chip due to the complexity of photonic circuits and to the needs
of hybrid integration to improve the performance of the devices. In this work, the main
components, that constitute these chips, were studied, given its advantages and disadvantages,
focusing in common materials, such as silicon and graphene, looking for solutions
that require less complex manufacturing processes. To the electronics bottlenecks, in the
devices based on electro-optical technology, a solution is introduced to reach OFDM signals
with rates of terabits per second based in an integrated circuit architecture of three