SARMENTO, F. C.;; SARMENTO, Francivania Casimiro.
This dissertation deals with the imaginary formations of students of the 6th grade of
elementary school II, a public school in the city of Marizópolis, compared to subjects
"Northeast" and "homosexual" covered in the genre joke. In addition, presents as a proposal for intervention, the deconstruction of prejudices regarding the subjects addressed in this genre. The discourse analysis was the theory base of this work. We also do readings regarding Text Genre and Discourse, Humorous Speech, Theory of Deconstruction, Northeast and Homosexuality. Some concepts pivot of this theory served as the anchor in order to understand how the imaginary formations materialize in the speeches of students participating in this research. The analyzed corpus resulted from the application of a didactic sequence containing activities around the joke genre. The main methodological strategy was the wheel of jokes, in which the students could tell jokes related to the subjects covered in the survey. In general, the activities related to gender joke involved telling, discussion and understanding. The jokes used throughout the teaching sequence were searched in the internet sites. The objectives of this were: discuss about the students' interest in telling and hearing jokes;
identify the applicants imaginary formations in jokes discussed in class; discuss the reasons why the subject "Northeast" and the subject "homosexuals" are ridiculed at the expense of other groups; understand that humor lies not only in making the listener laugh at the heard or read text, but to propose a break from the predictable; develop non-biased attitudes towards target subjects portrayed in the jokes. The intention was to identify the imaginary formations developed by the participating subjects concerning the subject "Northeast" and "homosexual", specifically in the genre joke. This work also aimed to contribute to the deconstruction of prejudices instituted socially and gifts at school. Usually, when talking about the subject "Northeast" in the media, there is a lot of prejudice; in the school environment such a reality is recurrent in the case of the subject "homosexual." During the didactic sequence, we find that students also have these pictures on these subjects. The subject "Northeast" are associated
with the poor of ideas, miserable, backward, uninformed. The subject "homosexual" are
associated with the abnormal ideas, weird, outlaw. In both cases we have crystallized images internalized by the subjects, which, scientifically, without scientific evidence; hence pretext for consolidation of prejudice.