FERREIRA, A. M.; FERREIRA, Ademilson Montes.
This laboratory investigation deals with the influence of seepage time and levei of acidity of water on the permeability and strength behaviour of a red soil from the State of Paraiba. Specimens statically compacted were subjected to water percolation for varying times (24, 48, 7 2 and 96 hours), their permeabilities measured at intervals of 12 hours and their triaxial strength parameters at the end of the various percolation times. Three leveis of
acidity of the seepage water were used, i.e, 3.25, 7.3 and 12.4. Equipment consisting of molds and a multipermeameter of constant head were designed and constructed for the study, and a novel technique for saturation of specimens employed. It is shown that the equipment used provides statistically aceptable results and that its use has the advantaje of shortening the time of testing. The coeficient of permeability was found to vary inversely with the pH of the seepage water. Time of seepage by unidirectional flow caused a decrease of permeability for any of the acidity leveis investigated. The strength parameters in terms of total and efective cohesion and angle of internai friction are noticeably affected by the acidity of the seepage water. The values of C and Ø' decrease slightly when the pH is lowered from 7.3 to 3.25. Increasing the pH to 12.4 causes a further decrease in the values of C and Ø'. A qualitative interpretation of this phenomena is oferred. A limited pilot study of the effects of controlled drying on the shear strength of the Sapé-Mari soil
showed that drying 6 hours at 6 09C increases the values of C and decrease 4>1 for ali the conditions of time of seepage and pH levei.