MEDEIROS, Natalia Militão Custodio.
The diversity of textual genres offers a valuable opportunity for the perception of
argumentativeness that is guided in the speeches based on certain linguistic choices made by
the interlocutors. Among these, the genre comic strip, which is part of the hypergender
Comicbook story, when using verbal language, it is permeated with argumentation, since its
communicative objective intends to be achieved in a relatively succinct text. In this bias, this
research has as main objective to analyze how the argumentative force is built by the use of
coordinating conjunctions in Mafalda's comic strips, in order to elaborate a didactic
intervention with this theme. The theoretical framework that underlies discussions about
argumentation is the Theory of Argumentation in the Language of Ducrot et al. (1987, 1988),
Barbosa (2015) and Koch (2006). About the conceptions of language and languages, its main
references are Saussure (2006), Bakhtin (2006) and Koch (2006). Grammar definitions were
pointed out based on Franchi (2006), Travaglia (2009) and Possenti (1996). The discussion
about textual genres is based on the studies of Marcuschi (2008), Bakhtin (1997, 2006) and
Antunes (2009). And with regard to the textual genre comic strip, we seek theoretical support
in the postulates of Ramos (2017). This is an investigative study, of a descriptive and
interpretative character, as it adopts analytical principles about linguistic elements, focusing
on the verbal linguistic structure and its textual organization that imprint the subjectivity
expressed through the intended meanings, more specifically, of the argumentative orientation .
The result of this research is a pedagogical guide for Portuguese language teachers which
addressed the composition of the comic strip genre, the senses guided by coordinating
conjunctions, in particular, the argumentative force that this grammatical category gives to the
statements and, also, the series of comic strips of the character Mafalda. The development of
this research becomes relevant, since it can contribute to the improvement of the teaching
learning process in Portuguese language classes, which should propose a study of linguistic
analysis that contributes to the expansion of knowledge that is increasingly significant for the