SOUZA, M. W.;; SOUZA, Maria Wildeny de.
It is very common for orality to be carried out in a secondary way in the school. With
this situation, the general goal of our job is to investigate and describe how especific
oral genres are treated and what reflections they propose to teach in the classroom,
which are present in the parameters for the basic education of the state of
Pernambuco (PE). The investigation presents as specific objectives: 1) listing the
specific oral genres of speech, which are proposed to be applied in the sixth year
according to curricular parameters for basic education of Pernambuco; 2) identifying
how and if this document proposes the didatization of these genres inside classroom;
3)proposing, through a pedagogical notebook, reflects to Portuguese language
teachers from the guidelines presented by curricular parameters for basic education
of Pernambuco state as a way to resurge their practices around oral genres. This
work is documentary , qualitative and descriptive. We take as a theoretical
contribution the studies of Dolz and Schneuwly (2004), from Marcuschi (2005), from
Bakhtin (1997), from PCNs (1998), parameters for basic education in state of
Pernambuco (2012), Antunes (2003), among other theories that defend the teaching
of formal oral genres, along with reading and writing for social practices. We found,
with the analysis of the document , that oral genres are treated significantly and
presented to be worked with relevance in the sixth year of elementary school. We
emphasize, however, there´s a gap regarding the systematization of work with these
genres. However, despite this weakness, we consider it an important theorical
contribution to work with them, by promoting the inclusion of them in a teaching
proposal along with reading and writing. Finally, we present an intervention proposal
with the purpose of redirecting reading, writing and oral textual production activities,
emphasizing genres, ruled debate and seminary, through activities of retextualization
of the written modality for spoken modality. However it´s worth remembering that the
proposal presented is a suggestion to be worked with sixth graders ( final years )
which is a teaching stage that we consider important at expansion of work with