RIBEIRO, Francisco José.
This work was based on the triad: cordel, golden age and education. Analyzed the
cordel trip to São Saruê by Manuel Camilo dos Santos, whose theme is an imaginary
trip to a country that is also imaginary and perfect. A string that invites the reader to
think, to be the subject of his own being. It was intended, in addition to analyzing, to
propose the cordel genre as a pleasant reading and not only as entertainment, but
also as a didactic and social transformation tool, since literature, especially in
fantastic reading, contributes to form a thinking subject and reflective. Therefore, this
dissertation presents the proposal to use cordel as a pedagogical tool in the teaching
of Portuguese in Youth and Adult Education. This work was based on authors who
discussed the Golden Age, such as Le Goff (2013), Minois and Holland (2004), about
reading based on the fundamentals of Koch (2005; 2018) among others. About
cordel, authors stand out, who not only wrote about cordel, but also did it for educational purposes, such as Marinho and Pinheiro (2012), Viana (2010). The
reflections about the theory that underlies this work, as well as the practical
experience through the realization of a cordel workshop in the classroom, with students from an EJA class suggest that when analyzing a cordel that brought an
imaginary trip as the theme to a country that is also imaginary and perfect, a string
that invites the reader to think, reflections are opened about the Being subject of his
own being, certainly preparing proficient readers.