BARROS, M. A. L.;; BARROS, Moisés Alves de Lima.
The work problematize the emergence of Protestant identity built by Kalley from 1855.
We develop conceptual and analytical objectives constructing a bibliographic and
documentary analysis of the life and work of Robert Kalley and Kalleyanismo in
General, treading a path that seeks to capture this methodological identity through the
analysis of tactics, gimmicks that have characterised the Protestantism in Brazil,
particularly in the city of Rio de Janeiro, between the years 1855 and 1876 by
problematizing for these processes in terms of identity, and about consumer practices in
Protestant áreas, responsible for the preparation of new religious identities.
A document that emerged in the 19th century had great importance as a trail of identity
in the making of this dissertation was "Brief exposure of the fundamental doctrines of
Christianity". It is a rich document of interpretative possibilities of writings that can
give us the read values that have contributed to the building of Protestant identity
Kalleyana in that period. Important concepts were brought to this dialog as the reading,
ownership and representation submitted by theorists of cultural history. Sought
problematizing the impersonated identities. Drove my look at educational and cultural
contributions that brought to the Brazil Kalley, especially through the Bible School, a
strategy to show the literature of salvation through Biblical knowledge.