GUEDES, W. B.;; GUEDES, Walter Barbosa.
The increased demand for electricity in Brazil and the stagnation of production from
hydroelectric plants made it necessary to open the market to renewable sources of electricity.
Investments in wind and photovoltaic plants began to gain in expressiveness,
changing the configuration of the naval energy market. This work proposes a new
methodology for the feasibility analysis of the implementation of wind or photovoltaic
parks from a database formed by the climatic conditions of the region. The system’s
database is composed of data from seven Brazilian cities that have high potential for
electricity production through wind farms and / or solar photovoltaic parks. The developed
interface has as input data of the chosen cities along with the capital that the
investor wishes to invest, returned to the user the conditions. The basis of this project
was investments made in Brazil, in which the capital invested, the climatic conditions
of the regions and the financial returns obtained with each project were observed.
With these data, a mathematical relationship was established between the three factors
analyzed, so that it was possible to make projections of possible investments that may
be made in the Brazilian territory.