ALEXANDRE, M. L. R.;; ALEXANDRE, Maura Lúcia Rodríguez.
In this work is presented a chronology of how the Energy
Management discipline has been developed in the Electric Engineering
Undergraduate Course at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG),
since its implementation, according to Resolution 20 / 99, until the year 2020.
For obtain of information related to the academic periods in which these
discipline was taught and the names of the respective professors, the data
available at the secretariat of the Department of Electrical Engineering at UFCG
were consulted. Due to the difficulty in accessing the course plans prepared by
all the teachers who taught the discipline in those periods, the study presented
in this work was only based on the course plans elaborated by Professor
Benedito Antonio Luciano, currently responsible by the cited discipline.