BAGAGIM, N. C.;; BAGAGIM, Natália Coêlho.
Currently, in the Brazilian educational scenario, imposing changes in the curriculum have
provoked discussions about teaching, especially about the teacher's performance, considering
that pedagogical planning and teaching practice tend to be conditioned to the theoretical-
methodological conceptions of the Common National Curricular Base. (BNCC). Thus,
considering the importance of the teacher in curricular reformulation, this research aims to
analyze the knowledge and expectations of teachers of the Ouricuri / PE Municipal Education
Network about the general postulates of the BNCC and the curricular guidelines of the
Portuguese Language component imposed by the document. To reach the goal set, this
research is characterized as qualitative and exploratory, because the object of analysis of this
study is knowledge and expectations of teachers. For this, we used as investigative procedure
for data collection the semi-structured interview. We support the contributions of Lopes
(2018; 2019), Lopes and Macedo (2011), Moreira and Candau (2007; 2008) and Silva (2017)
who discuss the curricular conceptions and the homogeneous and centralizing character of
BNCC. This research also dialogues with the assumptions of Girotto (2018), Giroux (1997),
Hypolito (2019), Marchelli (2014), Moreira; Silva (1994) who reflect on the formulation of
curricula from the BNCC under a perspective of changes in curriculum policies in the
Brazilian educational system. In addition, the study brings the weightings of Geraldi (2015),
Lopes (2018), Macedo (2019), among others. From this study, we found that even the policy
of BNCC presenting itself as impacting in teaching and pedagogical practice there are still
many gaps to be filled, among them the look of public policies with teachers, considering that
these professionals are foreign to the postulates of the BNCC due to the lack of training and
discussion. In the study carried out, most of the collaborating teachers stated that they do not
know properly what the norms for Portuguese Language Teaching want, but they hope that
the document will help to overcome the students' difficulties by emphasizing textuality,
despite not knowing their guidelines. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the knowledge
and expectations of BNCC postulates by teachers are silent, confusing and conflicting,
causing them concerns regarding the compulsory curricular reality.