SANTOS, M. L. A.;; SANTOS, Mariza Ledjane Alves dos.
The discussions in the field of Text Linguistics give rise to questions that lead to the
consolidation of innovative strategies regarding the work with Textuality – the comprehension
and production of a text’s meaning. In this sense, this paper’s main objective is to analyze
what is the treatment given on the guide that comes with the teacher’s manual to the
teaching of Textuality, with the aim to develop a technical teaching guide. For this purpose, a
study on Textuality was done as a basis to analyze the corpus, considering the teaching
context; was gathered data of the guides included with the Teacher’s Manuals that are part of
the textbooks evaluated by the National Textbook Program (PNLD) and used in Basic
Education – EJA category – in the city of SerritaPE; it was described the teacher’s guide
selected as corpus, considering the criteria prepared for the analysis, directed towards the
teaching of Textuality; and was elaborated a guide to teacher of the 6 th grade of Basic
Education about the teaching of Textuality. The research is based on Text Linguistics by Koch
and Travaglia (2011), Kock and Elias (2017), Antunes (2017) and Marcuschi (2008); as well
as the analyses by Batista e Galvão (2009), Silva (2009) and Marcuschi (2008) about the
textbook. Regarding the methodological procedures, this paper adopts the documental
research of quantitative approach, whose documents analyzed was four guides present on
the teacher’s manual named EJA MODERNA, for Youth and Adult Education, teacher’s
manual used, on Serrita – PE town, for EJA, which contains the guides to each one of the
final years of Basic Education. The analysis was carried out using the following criteria: how
is the teaching guide that constitutes the analysis document structured? Does the guide
direct the teaching of textuality? And, in case it does, how is each element of textuality
directed? The achieved results support the hypothesis that the Guide included in the
teacher’s manual partially contributes to working with textuality in the classroom, as it was
observed that a percentage of 100% of the chapters of any textbook used for each one of the
four final years of Basic Education present teaching orientations that don’t fully contemplate
the seven criteria of Textuality. The approach was relatively productive, since it is consisted
of a processual activity; however, the criteria presented were not always linked to the texts,
but to the grammar study. And as a result of the theoretical discussions and analyses, a
guide was developed for the 6 th year of Basic Education.