OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, V. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5338308345977458; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Valdir Ramos de.
This article presents a discussion on electoral marketing, and the importance of social networks as a marketing tool, in the election for mayor in the city of Amparo-PB in 2020, this work has the following general objective: Identify the influence of networks social campaigns in the city of Amparo/PB from the viewpoint of voters and candidates for mayor, understanding how electoral marketing strategies and tools are used by mayoral candidates and what is their impact on the outcome of the electoral dispute in the current context of digital channels. This work also demonstrates some definitions and discussions on marketing, political marketing and electoral marketing. It also has three focuses of analysis, the first is a monitoring of social networks (Instagram and Facebook) of the candidates João Luiz Lacerda Júnior of the PDT party (candidate 1) and Inácio Nóbrega of the DEM (candidate 2), in which he was the number of friends on Facebook was surveyed, and on Instagram the number of followers, people followed and number of publications were surveyed. In the second focus, a questionnaire was developed and applied to the public (electors in the municipality of Amparo-PB), which had 51 participants aged between 16 and 58 years. In the third focus, an interview was conducted with the two candidates for mayor in the 2020 election, with candidate 1 the interview was conducted through Whatsapp for reasons of work logistics and with candidate 2 the interview was conducted in person in his office , the interview contained nine questions and based on the data collected by these instruments, we can identify the degree of importance of social networks in the 2020 municipal elections in Amparo-PB.