SOUSA, T. C.;; SOUSA, Taís da Costa.
The Participatory Budgeting refers to a tool of great value to the local context in which it is
applied, due to its concern to meet the demands present in the community. Thus, as a problem
the research presents the following question: As for the process of implementing and carrying
out the Participatory Budget introduced in the municipality of Sumé - PB in 2019, has its
conduct been efficient? The general objective is: to analyze the Participatory Budget in the
municipality of Sumé-PB in terms of government conduct and decision-making and allocation
of public resources. Then, it presents as specific objectives: to investigate the participation and
perception of citizens regarding the Municipal Democratic Budgets; identify the main
difficulties in implementing this instrument in the municipalities and discuss the relevance of
this practice for the quality of local democracy. As for the methodology, this article is a case
study, with descriptive and quali-quantitative character, through a bibliographical research with
primary and secondary sources. The results are that: a good part of the local population knows
about the Municipal Democratic Budgets, through social media and also through the newspaper,
radio or sound car, which are the means closest to the population of this region. It is concluded
that: according to the respondents, most are satisfied with the municipal government, but
through them it was found that there is a small approximation of citizens in relation to
participatory budgets, thus there is a possibility of improvements , which could contribute even
more to the satisfaction of people towards the municipal administration.