MOURA, A. A.;; MOURA, Alessandro Alencar de.
This research aims at discussing theoretical and practical aspects about practices of reading the literary text in Elementary School, most specifically those related to the 9th school year, since it is seen as a way to literacy. The theoretical support was taken from Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais [National Syllabus Guidelines – our translation], a set of documents which rule over the pedagogical practices in the Brazilian schools. It is also based on the works of Frantz (2011), Kleiman (1989, 1993, 2013), Lajolo (2009), Martins (1982), Oliveira (2013), Orlandi (2012), Soares (2006), Terra (2014), among others. The practical proposition of this dissertation has a one of its objectives to offer teachers of the 9th school year ways to facilitate better literary reading practices in classes. It was designed in the form of a didactic sequence for the genre mystery, suspense and terror short story, designed from the perspectives of Oliveira (2013), Schneuwly & Dolz (2004), but specially Cosson (2012). In order to develop and enrich students literary literacy, it was chosen a set of texts, such as “The black cat”, “The cask of Amontillado” and “Bernice” by Edgar Allan Poe; “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr “Venha ver o pôr do sol" [Come and see the sunset - our translation], by Lygia Fagundes Telles; "Dentes tão brancos" [Teeth so white - our translation" and "Crianças à venda. Tratar aqui" [Kaids for sale. Information here - our translation], by Strauz. Through these readings, activities were proposed related to reading and writing, as well as metalinguistic and intertextual ones, aiming studentents literay literacy.