LIRA, E. A.;; LIRA, Evandro Alvares de.
New technologies stepped into in a perceptible and definitive way in all segments of society, in a unique speed, enabling more precision and agility in the execution of daily activities. Education cannot remain outside this context. There are several relevant possibilities for inclusion of new technologies in pedagogical proposals. This study analyzed the positive impacts on learning, from the use of social networks, focusing on Facebook and Blog, in pedagogical activities of textual production in Elementary Education. It aimed to provide students events of digital literacy and activities to optimize the development of reading skills, comprehension and text production. From this perspective, we conducted this research with students from 9th grade of Elementary Education of a public state school, in the city of Vitoria de Santo Antao, State of Pernambuco. The aforementioned survey was organized through the use of a questionnaire to teachers of the Educational Institution that hosted the work and two questionnaires with students who participated in the activity. We proposed to those students the reading and the text production of opinion on Facebook and Blog, created with this specific purpose, enabling the interaction between them. This intervention activity is guided in the postulates of Braga (2010), Coscarelli (2012), Levy (1993, 1999), Marcuschi (2010), Moran (2013), Xavier (2010 ), among others, who provided us the theoretical basis and reflections on the relevance of the use of technology in school. The results of pedagogical activity under the mediation of technological resources, observed during the execution of it, through constant monitoring and the second questionnaire answered by students, revealed considerable motivation in making these textual production tasks.