LIMA, T. A.;; LIMA, Tarlan Alexandre de.
The current article works on one of the facets of public management, public policies - which
are the actions of the State for its representatives and aligns this discussion with the historically
marginalized population, the LGBTQIA+ population. Seeking to carry out a survey of all public
policies and actions directed towards the LGTBQIA+ population along with the division of
actions focused on each "letter" of the acronym in the state of Paraíba (Brazil) between the
period of 2003 and 2020. In addition to conducting this survey, it seeks to analyze the data of
violent deaths to members of the population during the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 in the state,
using as a basis the data available by Grupo Gay da Bahia; and the visibility of individuals in
the about them. Using as a way to achieve the objectives aligned to a qualitative and descriptive
research along with the application of questionnaire with the residents of the city of Sumé - PB,
and secondary data for the violent deaths and data and primary data for the city of Sumé. The
research resulted in that, yes there are plenty of policies expressed, but they are not effective,
because the data of violent deaths brings Paraíba as the 5th state in the ranking of the last three
years made based on the GGB data, occurring mainly in the large centers of the state, causing
the townspeople do not know some of the devices and the division of policies between the
letters are only focused on two parts: general for members of the community and for Trans and
Transvestite people.