JULIÃO, L. C. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1440244368664042; JULIÃO, Lívia Cavalcanti Bandeira.
In order to meet the growing demand for data storage, cloud computing providers offer storage as a
service. In this context, the same provider has different storage offers in its catalog that vary in terms
of availability, durability, performance and, consequently, price. Choosing the cloud storage
configuration that meets the application's requirements at the best cost is therefore not a trivial task.
To assist in this choice, AWS offers Intelligent Tiering, a special storage layer that automates the
allocation of objects according to accesses, in order to reduce costs. However, this option should be
used with caution, since custom allocations by object can mean significant savings. In this work, it will
be shown that the study of the object's access profile is indispensable for the optimization of the use
of cloud storage resources.