PEREIRA, F. R. S. C.;; PEREIRA, Francisca Rejane Silva Cunegundes.
This work is the result of a search on reading and production of written and oral texts – a proposal of activities with an emphasis on argumentation –and had as a field of intervention the Primary and High School Antonia Araujo in the Patos city, in the Paraiba. Initially, we have demonstrated the importance of teaching the Portuguese Language fromtexts of the most varied genres, on media printed or digital, punctuating communicative competence as essentially argumentative and what the NCPs propose for working with oral and written texts, considering elements of the theory of argumentation, to subsidize the teaching of Portuguese Language in Elementary Education II. Thus, we structure the work, based on its theoretical contribution, addressing questions about Orality, Reading, Writing, Textual Genres in interpersonal relations, Argumentation and argumentative operators, in order to establish the Portuguese Language teaching with fulcrum in oral and / or written textual genres, observing the argumentative phenomena present in them. The study proved that the text is a social space of argumentative interaction, in which the process is interactional and construct the senses in a negotiated and dialogical way. We also verified that, when working on texts with an emphasis on argumentation, competence to read and produce texts orally or in writing. Realizing, therefore, that argumentativeness is present in all textual genres, thus, this research brings important contributions to the subject, because it proposes a work with textual genres that is interdisciplinary, considering that he is a teacher, of any discipline, a reader who uses texts in his teaching practices and understand that writing and speaking are activities of interacting, as well as conceives that the text, as an interactive place, is constructed, arguably, by the subjects involved in this dynamic.