LIMA, J. S.;; LIMA, Josenilda dos Santos.
This work: read, interdisciplinarity and new technologies, is the result of research developed
at the Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Orlando Venâncio dos Santos, located
in the city of Cuité/PB. The work is divided into two parts. The ftrst corresponds to the
analysis of questionnaires directed to four classes of the 8 th year of elementary school to
analyze the concept of reading prioritized in the school as well as suggested by renowned
theorists in the area: Leffa, (1996)~ Kleiman e Moraes, (1999)., Koch e Elias, (2008),
Marcuschi, (2005), among others that guide this research offering a more comprehensive
reflection of the importance of teaching reading in the classroom since it has been a constant
concem The second application is based in the interdisciplinary approach of reading in a pilot
class (8th grade "A") and corresponds to the use of observations in the classroom, whose
focus is the production o f knowledge and awareness on the part of students and the school
community about the importance of the act of reading and thus promote the actual reading of
literary from the integration of professors in various fields. The methodological strategies
include an institutional blog that acts as a motivator to encourage reading from the disclosure
o f Comi c of the works read by students, and then a space o f identity and interaction between
theiiL It is suggested that as an interdisciplinary approach based on the assumption that
teaching reading is not the exclusive competence of the teacher of Portuguese but of ali
teachers. The two moments are a unit of research that are closely linked. This study will
contribute to discussion and analysis of the organization and practice o f teaching reading in
education, especially, cited in the State Schoo~ anel thus awaken to the realization of a more
integrated and enjoyable.