ARAÚJO, F. M. B.;; ARAÚJO, Francerly Moreira Barreiro de.
The encounter between student and literature should aim at turning him into an active reader, making him reflect upon subjects that can help his development as an individual and as a reader, through the analysis of a meaningful language and a search for meaning in what he reads. Thus, this paper has as central objective, which is to contribute to the promotion of literary literacy through methodological practices organized in the form of didactic sequences, mainly because many of current practices have brought difficulties to the formation of a proficient reader. Some of other objectives of this research are to widen student‘s literary repertoire in classroom, through methodological proposals with literary genres; to stimulate proficiency in the production of written literary texts at school, as well as to offer students theoretical support, specially concerning the discipline of Portuguese. In order to achieve these goals, three points will be discussed here: the first one will provide a historical overview about the teaching of literature, how is was, how it has been and how it should be, in order to minor the problems that have provide impediment for a better formation of a proficient reader. These discussions are based on the theoretical support of Zilberman (2009); Zilberman (2010); Cereja (2005); Compagnon (2012); Filipouski et al (2009); Cândido (1985); Paiva (2003); Sales (2011); Cosson (2011); PCNs (1998); PCNs (2001); Azevedo (2003); Silva (2009), among others. The second point shows that the methodology used in this study will contribute to a better teaching practice in the elementary stages; since this is a research of bibliographical nature, it is based on Gil (2002); Cordeiro (1999); Metring (2009), among others. The last point is organized in the form of a didactic sequence developed from the poem ―Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada‖ (1930), by Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968) and the chronicle ―19 de maio de 1888‖, by Machado de Assis (1839-1930). This proposal aims at promoting a discussion about the need of elaboration and development of activities that promote literary literacy in the elemental school.