GUIMARÃES, Filipe Pires;; GUIMARÃES, Filipe Pires.
A major problem in Brazilian cities is the high rate of abandoned animals, which, according to a OMS survey, has more than 20 million homeless dogs in Brazil [1]. In addition to this very high number, there is another problem with adoption, which is adopting an animal, not adapting to its behavior, that animal's temperament, so some people end up abandoning these animals, again. There are NGOs and people who would like to make a difference in this environment. In this platform, we will assist in some ways, such as: helping in the evaluation of the adopter and the pet, showing the animals available for adoption, being able to classify and/or filter, in addition to opening a communication channel between the organizations and the adopters. For the development of this platform, a well-known javascript library, React-Native [2], will be used. It is hoped that the application will serve to disseminate the idea of adopting animals, in addition to helping to prevent the reintroduction of that animal to abandonment and thus increase the number of adopted animals.