BRITO, L. R.;; BRITO, Liz Romão de.
This work aims to reaffirm the need for the school to turn to the literacy of individuals as a way to insert them into the society in an active and competent way, to this end is fundamental the innovation of the whole educational practices, since the construction of the Pedagogic Political Project to the classroom management. The proposal is that the literary text is effectively used in the classroom by all areas of knowledge, because all are responsible for the development of reading competence of the students, since the contemporary world requires a critical subject, able to intervene in reality. This is possible, since each teacher has a thorough knowledge of the features of reading act. In order to the dialog among them happens safely and fertility. Literature allows contact with different worlds and, therefore constitutes a fertile field for contacting the dialogues it’s capable of providing, either with itself or with other texts and even other epochs, what allows students to infer, compare, agree, disagree and question, fundamental skills in building competent reader. To approximate the History of Literature, it proposes the reading of the novel as a literary genre, very rich by the complexity of the characters and events that are part of the plot, and which are nothing more than a fictitious vision of societies and of the moral, intellectual and cultural values that are revealed in the narrative. The goal is to appropriate of the literary text as historical source, in order to the students start to understand that social reality is a historic building of humanity, and to this end, this historical reading needs to be interdisciplinary, this is the reason of the choice for the novel, which allows contact with different points of view, which reveals the "places of memory". In elementary school, literary reading is essential, regardless of the area of knowledge, because it is responsible for the construction of individual and collective autonomy.