RODRIGUES, A. C. P.;; RODRIGUES, Ana Caroline Pereira.
With the emergence of capitalism and its strategy of exhausted exploitation of workers, the
negative consequences that perverse this class both in the objective and in the subjective field
are increasingly revealed. In this way, scholars have been dedicated to understanding the
changes in the world of work and how these changes have affected the health of workers.
Based on this understanding, the present work aims to discuss the work and mental illness of
social workers in the municipality of Sousa/PB, considering this professional as a worker,
through discussions and analyzes about the old and current work configurations as well as
studies based on the health of the worker and subjective precariousness. For this, we used
qualitative research, as it was essential to obtain more contextualized answers about the work
of these professionals. The research consisted of three stages, respectively: the bibliographic
research, afterwards, a semistructured interview made to the social workers of Social
Assistance and Health in the municipality of Sousa/PB with questions in the form of a script
directed to the problem and concluding with the analysis of the information collected. The
research participants corresponded to four social workers from the Health and Social
Assistance Policy in the municipality of Sousa/PB. The data was revealing in what
circumscribes the objective aspects of work such as low wages, job insecurity, work overload,
among other elements that also directly impact on the subjective conditions of social workers
and demarcate a worrying reality experienced by these professionals in today's reality. That
said, it is extremely important to deal with the reality of social workers in terms of work and
mental illness of these professionals.