NEGREIROS, V. L. V.;; NEGREIROS, Vanessa Lucena Vidal de.
This report presents the main activities implemented during the integrated internship in the company SAVANGE Engenharia LTDA, based in João Pessoa, over the period from march 28 of 2016 and july 21 of 2016. Initially, there was a period of adaptation to the company's rules and training with courese of AutoCAD, NR-10 and Optical Fiber Fusion. After this phase of climatization, the production of temporary and definitive reports for the isntallation of the equipment PTN in the state of Pará and Amazonas. the second activity developed was in the project "Infraestrutura e Sistemas Irradiante da TIM", with the production of as builts of the sites that received the frequencies of 3G and 4G in the state of Paraíba. The third activity was developed in the city of Salvador, in the project "Manutenção da Rede Óptica da COELBA", in witch was registered five links of the COELBA'S optical fiber network.