FERREIRA, L. T. M. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1739179656895307; FERREIRA, Larissa Thuane Medeiros Furtado.
The work consists o f the analysis o f information about the student's dropouts in the study and
the motivation to return to school, based on the narrative of life stories of a couple that studies
in the modality of Education of Youth and Adults (EJA) in a School in the municipality of
Cuité I PB. The research was carried out through a recorded conversation with the two study
participants, aiming to know the causes of the abandonment of the studies as well as the
reasõiif tl;tat returned it, the difficulties they faced in continuing their schooling, identifying
and evaluating the relevance Of internai and externai factors that may enable the continuation
of studies. Emphasis was placed on the couple's life history in research and research on
possible relationships between the two thematic axes: Youth and Adult Education (EJA) and
solidarity economy. Through the diagnosis made during the interview, we observed that the
students were looking for a new opportunity to learn, as well as developing projects with the
teacher, projects focused on teaching and income, aiming ata more attractive study.