HOLANDA, Aline.; FERREIRA, A. H. V.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7601388315408523; FERREIRA, Aline Holanda Valdevino.
This work is a proposal literacy through storytelling, and aimed to contribute to the
development of written and oral language of children in the early grades. Based on the
concept of literacy as a social practice,based on the design of literacy as social practice ,
because the reading extends beyond the world reading. Literacy is essential for a person to act in society. Thus, the school as an important literacy agency can through their practices reverse the academic failure concerning the writing, reading and speaking skills. The research was carried out with students of the 1st grade of elementary school in a public school in the city of Crato - Ceará, in three stages: 1st - interview with Portuguese-speaking teachers of the 1st year of primary education; 2ª- observation of lessons and moments of storytelling, and finally, the development of activities from storytelling as a proposal for literacy. During the research we face a harsh reality, especially with regard to the school structure and working conditions, little parental involvement in school, among other elements. It was possible to observe the difficulties that teachers face in everyday life. Were identified several factors that undermine the educational process, like the conceptions of professional and their practices, working conditions, providing a reflection on education in Brazil and how to overcome the difficulties.
This theme is of great pedagogical relevance, social and scientific because it was possible to understand that the problems of education are much more complex, and require a combined work between family, school, government and the students themselves. As a result, it was found that the meanings attributed by teachers to literacy are still linked to literacy, the social character of language is timidly treated, and while acknowledging the value of orality to this process, there is still difficulty to design practices that contemplate. In the classroom, literacy is present, but needs to be better understood for greater success in school results. In this sense, the storytelling plays a key role for the development of oral, reading and writing, as well as
enjoyment, the formation of man, the social being, citizen.