RAMOS, L. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0334373075154331; RAMOS, Larissa de Almeida.
This work describes the activities developed by intern Larissa de Almeida Ramos at the
Radiometry Laboratory, at the Federal University of Campina Grande, under the guidance
of Professor Alexandre Jean Ren´e Serres (DSc) and supervised by Professor Edmar
Candeia Gurj˜ao (DSc). The supervised internship was carried out from February 22 to
April 5, 2021, with a workload of 30 hours per week, totaling 180 hours. The student was
responsible for developing an adaptive antenna system (AAS) that performs beamforming
using the beam switching technique in its execution, using a Butler Matrix 4x4, in order
to increase the performance of communication systems 5G wireless at 3.5 GHz.