ARAÚJO, Luciana Barreto de.
The main objective of this research is to discuss the importance of reading and writing, especially in relation to literary literacy, based on the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) containing the guiding principles of education in Brazil through proposals of activities to the 9th grade of elementary school. The theoretical support on reading, text production, literature and literary literacy were based on Candido (1996; 1999; 2002; 2006; 2011;), Compagnon (2009; 2010), Cosson (2007), Demo (2007), Geraldi (2006 ), Kleiman (2003; 2005; 2007), Lajolo (2000; 2005), Martins (2012), Paiva (2003; 2008), Soares (2000; 2008; 2009), Schneuwly and Dolz (2013), among others. The didactic sequences proposed here, based on Rildo Cosson‘s method, who called each kind of sequence ―Basic‖ and ―Expanded‖, so that through literature, students can reach literary literacy. Formulated through literary texts of Brazilian writers, in the first one was used the poem ―Navio Negreiro‖ [Slave Ship – our translation] (1880), by the romantic poet Castro Alves (18471871), according to the Brazilian education law number 10.639, of may 9th, 2003 and, the second one, the short story ―A moça tecelã‖ [Weaver Girl – our translation] (1982), by Marina Colasanti (1937 ). The activities contained in both methodological proposals can work as a support for the Portuguese teacher in order to put them into practice with confidence, since each step is theoretically justified and explained and they address topics that promotes social criticism racism and the pursuit of women's emancipation and are contemporary. Through these themes, the teacher can developed reading and oral activities through which can be worked the issues of critical reading and text production aiming at promoting students‘ literary literacy, once they will be able to realize the importance of readling and writing in different contexts.