MARQUES, Bárbara Daniane Mendes.
This research work aims to present a proposal on reading mediation and literary reading reflection, using poems and songs by Arnaldo Antunes in order to contribute to the literary literacy of students in the second stage of elementary school. Given the awareness that the arts provide, by aesthetically dealing with themes that are part of the experiences of children and young people, and to comply with Law No. 11.769/2008, Law 13.278 of May, 2016 and Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, which speaks of the mandatory of teaching of music in basic education, not only in the Art curricular component, but in all areas of knowledge, we seek, in my teaching of the Portuguese Language curricular component, to study the means of including studies on poetry and music with students from the 6th year of Fundamental Education. We believe that our work can collaborate in the development of strategies to alleviate reading and text comprehension difficulties, perception of implicit information in the text, as these are issues that lead to poor performance in other curriculum components of the school. With the intention of still complying with our proposal, a qualitative bibliographic research was developed, with a theoreticalpropositive study; initially making a brief dialogue with the history of musical education and the right to artisticmusical and literary knowledge, related to the various contemporary trends that have developed since the beginning of the 20th century, as well as movements that, from the postwar, expanded the musical material beyond the musical notes and explored alternative sound sources. This framework, in which the sound work becomes more creative and accessible, does not depend on a long traditional musical training, it is where concrete, electronic, random music originates, composed of dissonant chords and other sound elements other than musical instruments used traditionally. As in music, literature is also innovative in the sense of creation, so that poetry will also be given this new dynamic format, with the visual and concrete poem, composed of verses that are not always arranged in stanzas, but arranged in a way to communicate something beyond the written words. The dialogic readings between songs and poems make up our methodological approach with literary workshops that we developed guided by Rildo Cosson's Literary Literacy proposal and the work with Poetry in the classroom, by Helder Pinheiro. We observe, through this research, that despite the pandemic scenario experienced between 2020 and 2021, it is possible to contribute to the work of literary reading in the final years of elementary school, considering the future applicability of this material, that can be used as soon as possible, return to classroom classes, but there are also possibilities to adapt some activities for remote learning. We learned in this process that when we experience atypical moments like a pandemic, the need arises to reinvent ourselves, especially in education, so that there is the possibility, in addition to the contributions of cognitive advancement, the improvement of affective relationships between students in the school environment, given the influence that artistic making exerts on people. Given this experience, we make available a theoreticalpedagogical material for teachers, bearing in mind the importance of working with poetry in the classroom, especially involving two arts that dialogue in content.