; LARSEN, Cícera Leandra Moura.
Theories of oriented genres to social practices are one among many approaches to
teaching strategies that effectively promotes the appropriate level of proficiency learners
in Portuguese, as they tend to mobilize the students' ability to recognize genres and
produce them in accordance with their conditions of use. In this sense, the speaker
adopts a gender model and simultaneously (re) adapts its structure to the production
objective. These (re) adaptations of discursive genres potentiate the hybridization
conceptualized by Koch and Elias (2014) such as the idea that one gender can take the
form of another according to the purpose of communication. This study followed the
methodological way to present a theoretical support about the genres, especially the
theories of Bakhtin (2011), Marcuschi (2008) and (2010), Bronkcart (2012), Koch
(2012) (2014), Dolz and Schneuwly (2004), Bazerman (2011), Kleiman (2005) and
(2013) Soares (1998), Lara (2010) and Rojo (2010) and (2011) with the overall
objective of analyze whether the textbooks of Elementary School of PNLD 2014-2016
present hybrid discursive genres and if the activities with these genres comprise more
than one sphere of communication, since the discursive competence is necessary so that
the speaker can best transit in the different social spheres in which they are Including
discursive genres, allowing them to participate in specific social practices in each sphere
and to create possibilities for changes in these practices. From the documentary research
whose corpus was composed by the twelve books of Elementary School that compose
PNLD 2014-2016, it was concluded that the LD cited rarely contemplate hybrid
discursive genres as well as do not explore activities comprising more than one sphere
of communication with these genres. So it was elaborated, as an intervention measure, a
notebook of pedagogical activities was elaborated that contemplated such genres and,
above all, that they could extend discursive competences in the apprentices.