SILVA, M. S. J.;; SILVA, Maria Suellen Juca da.
The difficulties to practice reading and writing in school are usually associated with the
methodologies suggested to the teacher, specifically in the Portuguese Language classes of Elementary School II. Given this fact, this work, following the proposal of PROFLETRAS, presents a theoretic apparatus on which discussions and analysis of textbooks are based and a proposal of intervention for the practice of reading and writing, through the textual genre modern story. The discussions proposed here arise from the observation of how reading and writing skills have been neglected in classrooms, because at this level of teaching, many times, reading and writing practices are basically those set forth in the textbook. In this respect, we have as main objective to construct a didactic-methodological proposal in order to contribute with the practice of the Portuguese Language teacher, to develop reading and writing in a critical way, through the textual tale genre, exploring its specificities and providing readings that go beyond the superficiality of the text. For this, we take into consideration that reading and writing are interdependent abilities and should have the school as a privileged space to provide the interactive encounter of the students with the texts, in a formative way, causing them to reflect and have a critical position on the read text, understanding its forms and its themes. In this way, we try to discuss how the teaching of Portuguese Language, based on a socio-interactionist conception of language and language, can contribute to a reading and writing approach in which students experience language experiences in their various modalities, facing reading and writing as Social practices that integrate their lives into various oral and written communication achievements.